Monday, June 21, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Growl it out

My nephew, Jackson, is four and we have been recently teaching him how to be tough when he gets hurt. Usually, he'll fall and start shrieking bloody murder, probably more out of embarrassment than pain. So anytime he falls and starts to do the screaming we all look at him and say, "Growl it out Jackson! Growl it out!" And he'll sit down and start growling fiercely until the pain goes away. It's been working beautifully.

I just met with my professor about my term paper in my very first ever Master's class. How exciting right? I chose a controversial topic, religion, and thought that I could make a compelling argument on Willa Cather's religious views. I wrote the paper, taking two days because I couldn't make anything fit, and submitted it earlier this week. I met with my professor today. The verdict? I am scrapping the entire thing and going to try and write a new paper in two days while still trying to prepare my end of semester presentation.

Growl it out Morgan. Growl it out.